In 2015, Dayna Hanson, Peggy Piacenza and Dave Proscia founded Base as a creative home they could share with the community.

As longtime Seattle artists, the co-founders had watched the city develop rapidly—and become less livable for artists in the process. Opening an outstanding, flexible and affordable space was their response to that shift.
Base incorporates as a nonprofit organization. Design and build-out begin as part of Equinox Studio’s 2014-2015 expansion project in the old McKinnon Furniture factory in Georgetown.
Base opens its doors. The Base Residency begins with residencies by Seattle artists Dylan Ward and Jessica Jobaris. The first Base Occasional features work by co-founders Dayna Hanson and Peggy Piacenza with Heather Kravas and Oakland-based choreographer Maureen Whiting. Hanson’s work, 28 problems, featuring Jim Fletcher, Madison Rough and Julia Sloane, is Base’s first public performance, in a partnership with 9e2.
On the Boards passes its longstanding 12 Minutes Max program to Base. Base Residencies go to Frank Boyd, Keyes Wiley and ilvs strauss. Base formalizes its low-cost self-production model as the Base Independent.
Base Occasional No. 2 features Paul Lazar of New York-based Big Dance Theater in his solo work, Cage Shuffle. Jade Solomon Curtis/Solo Magic, Babette Pendleton and Petra Zanki complete Base Residencies.
Base shifts to a September - August programming season. In partnership with On the Boards and Seattle Art Fair, Base Occasional No. 3 features Still Life by Minneapolis-based choreographer Morgan Thorson with a large ensemble cast of Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland dancers. Coley Mixan and Jenna Eady complete Base Residencies. Base shutters during lockdown.
Base co-founders formally step back from curating the Base Residency program as part of efforts to increase equity and inclusion in arts and culture programming. Base hosts the Radical Black Femme Project (RBFP), a global, hybrid residency project created and curated by Jade Solomon Curtis/Solo Magic with Randy Ford.
Initial round of RBFP concludes, with an international cohort including crazinisT artisT, Swamp Priestexx, Nana YaaSerwaah Akuoku, Dumama, Saira Barbaric, blk banaana, Mia Imani Harrison and mims. Same as Sister and Degenerate Art Ensemble complete Base Residencies as Covid restrictions lift. Base and Velocity Dance Center initiate a partnership on The Bridge Project, with the program taking place at Base.
NEVE and Rana San curate the Base Residency program, awarding residencies to Hexe Fey, Saira Barbaric, Moonyeka, Annabel Turrado, and Amanda Morgan/The Seattle Project. Base continues partnering with Velocity on the Bridge Project.
Base Occasional No. 4 is a production of Ama, the Diver, a Noh theater adaptation by Jim Fletcher, Lori Goldston and Katiana Rangel. Base partners with Velocity to host The Bridge Project for a third year. Base Residency program is curated by Nia-Amina Minor, Bennyroyce Royon and Parmida Ziaei and includes Drama Tops, Akoiya Harris, Ankita Sharma, Naomi Macalalad Bragin with Milvia Pacheco, and Amy O’Neal.